Sabtu, 01 September 2012
07.51 0

Parking Pictures Side Entry Title

Title entries are among the first things a person judged by visitors to a blog. Besides having the post titles GEMPAK ², presence decorator can also add to the draw on that entry.
Among one of the things to add glow to the entry title is to put a picture next to the entry title.


Here are the steps that need to be done.

1.Login blogger account, from the dashboard> layout> edit html> expand widget templates

2.Tekan ctrl + F to activate the 'find' and then look for the following code.

     <a expr:href='data:post.url'> <data:post.title/> </ a>

3. Place the code below between the code and the code <a expr:href='data:post.url'> <data:post.title/> </ a>

     <img src="url gambar"/>

Example code should look something like this

a. Change the 'image url' with your desired image url
b. Commonly used image size is in the range of 20x20 to 30x30.

4. Done
(Tutorial by unwanted86)

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