Sabtu, 01 September 2012
07.00 0

How to Make a Button Link Exchange

Hello and Happy Fitr to all the visitors of redwarriorsfan.
For the bloggers and gentlemen, you all know the link exchange is not it?
much good when we have many blogger friends and link exchange will help increase traffic to our blog.
So as to not waste time, let us all learn how to remove the button link exchange to our blog.

1.Create image to be used as a button, are advised to use 150X45 size.
like the image below

2.In the dashboard page, click on the column design> page elements and select add a gadget.

3.Then the select HTML / Java Script
4.Copy and enter the code below, change the red text below.


<img src="insert image link that you create and upload "> <br> copy and paste the code below to connect with us <br> <br> </ center> <br>

<center> <textarea rows = "4" name = "S2" COLS = "15" style = "border: 1px solid rgb (102, 102, 102); padding: 1px 4px; background-color: rgb (255, 255 , 153); ">

<a href="url blog " target="_blank"> <img src = "insert image link that you create and upload" width = "143" height = "41" alt = "blog name" border = "0"> </ a> </ textarea>

</ center>


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